Pharmacia & Upjohn
Start: 1995
Case story: Pharmacia & Upjohn was formed through the merger of Swedish Pharmacia AB and The American Upjohn Company. Pharmacia & Upjohn became a global provider of human health care products, animal health products, diagnostics and specialty products.
There was an obvious need for information directed to all employees. We were given the assignment to shape it for the new organization in Sweden.

We made a 48 page booklet...

Our Business. Our business, or the reason why we exist at all, is to develop as good medicines as possible in order to meet medical needs. By selling these we will make money. As simple as that.
The assignment and challenge was about making complicated corporate messages easy to understand for all employees.
We invited a young art student from Stockholm University of Art, Crafts and Design to interpret our texts and gave her the freedom to do whatever she felt for in order to illustrate our texts.
So, if we could not write texts understandable for her, we had to rewrite them. She was a very smart student, but still very young and not even close to the health care industry at that time...
She did good. Who can not love young art students... and brave clients?