Arne Ljungqvist – the doping hunter
Start: 2008
Case story: In connection with other assignments at the Beijng 2008 Summer Olympics I met the man who devoted his life to clean sports and fair play. It was a personal game changer for me. Reading the book about his fascinating endeavours led me to ask the obvious question: –Who is making the film about your life? Nobody, was the answer. Later Professor Ljungqvist told me that he had turned down a number of requests...from "some German and British channels" (ZDF and BBC!).
No matter what, it simply had to be done. Together with Mats Omne at Matiné Film & Television, a team was formed and we produced a 58 minute documentary during 2009-2012. Broadcasted in some 20 countries, awarded in Beijing, screened at the 2012 London Summer Olympics and at several symposiums and events around the world since then.
The film The War On Doping was broadcasted in 20 countries and awarded gold at the FICTS Milano Film Festival in Bejing 2012.
Following Professor Ljungqvist around the world on his missions proved his status on the global sports arena. Friends, colleagues and athletes called him the rock star of anti-doping. The list of opportunities for new assignments and opportunities grew longer and is still growing:
2009 – Producing the 10 year celebration for WADA
Professor Ljungqvist initiated the first ever UNESCO Convention in Anti-Doping. He also initiated the establishment of the World Anti-Doping Agency – WADA. In 2009 Professor Ljungqvist was set to host WADA's 10th Annual Meeting in Stockholm. An anniversary of that dignity has to be celebrated with style. Stockholm City Hall of course – the palace of the Nobel festivities...
But nope. Impossible. They only close down on weekdays once a year – for the Nobel Prize Dinner. No exceptions. However, not taking no for an answer as an inspiring trigger, they were talked into making one exception anyway... Read more.
Stockholm City Hall, the Blue Hall...perfect location for a meeting of this dignity.
2011 – Producing the 80 year birthday reception
Creating and producing Professor Ljungqvist's 80th birthday reception event at Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre with support from the Swedish Sports Confederation. Some 200 guests from all over the world came to Stockholm to celebrate with Professor Ljungqvist.
Some 200 friends from far away and around the corner came to celebrate Professor Ljungqvist at the Waterfront Congress Center, with a view over the Stockholm City Hall. From left: Pernilla Wiberg (alpine skiing, Olympic Gold Medalist and World Champion), Thomas Brolin (Professional football, Bronz Medalist World Cup), Professor Ljungqvist, Mrs Yuan Hong (Chinese Anti-Doping Agency) and Kajsa Bergqvist (High jump, Olympic Bronze Medalist and World Champion).
2011 – Creating the sculpture Et Purus
Creating a 80-year gift to honor Professor Ljungqvist's life long crusade for athlete's health and the fundament of sports – fair play.
The sculpture and symbol did develop from a gift of honor into a tool for change. By inviting the public society, private sector and world of sports to unite against doping, sharing the same symbol as a strong statement. Such initiative can only be done by an independent entity, like the one of Professor Ljungqvist's reputation and brand. He is undisputedly the foremost person to carry that position. Read More

The first drawing of Et Purus,
sculpted by Sassona Norton to honor a living legend, conveying a strong message for pure health and clean sports
2011 – Establishing an anti-doping foundation
Participating in the establishment of an independent foundation in Professor Arne Ljungqvist's name in connection with the celebration of his 80th birthday.

Representatives from Swedish Government, the IOC, Karolinska Institutet, Swedish Sports Confederation and the Council for Swedish Sports Education donated funds for the establishment of a new foundation in Professor Ljungqvist's name.

A new foundation should have a logo – so we created one. And a webiste: www.arneljungqvist.com
2012 – a first-ever symposium on "Doping as a Public Health Issue" at the Karolinska Institutet.
Co-producing the symposium "Doping as a public health issue". Five major global stakeholders met in Stockholm for the first time to discuss the subject doping as a public health issue: The International Olympic Committee, World Anti Doping Agency, World Health Organization, INTERPOL and UNESCO. The symposium was arranged in collaboration with the Karolinska Institutet and gathered some 200 participants and speakers.

H.R.H. Prince Daniel of Sweden with speakers attending the Professor Arne Ljungqvist Anti-Doping Foundation's symposium "Doping as a public health issue". Karolinska Institutet 2012-09-22.

2014 – Creating a movement – Pure For Sure
Creating a new global movement for, by and with the young generations. They are the ones most threatened by the spread of doping substances, but also the ones that can actually "make the change happen". Their participation and their energy has to be canalized in a positive manner in order to build trust for the message. See project page.

The movement is based on online education programs, attitude activities, online participation, sharing social responsibilities and leadership training.

Using the symbolism from the Et Purus sculpture – pointing out the inner body fingerprint, "I am pure for sure" – connects the movement symbol with the conveyed message by the finger-and-ring-sculpture "Et Purus". Read more. Website: www.pureforsure.com