My "Doing Good Bucket List":
I walked Stockholm Marathon 2023 and collected 7.500 SEK so more kids can go to school in Jinja, Uganda. The fundraiser is still open so welcome to chip in for these kids.Thank you!
A what Bucket List?
Back in 2010 I hit a wall. The motivation was down, the finances were down, and the inspiration was gone. But my two kids, my dear family, and I myself were all healthy. We had split up, but we had cemented the idea of us as The Family, no matter who lived where with whom. We were independent, healthy and fortunate. So, there was absolutely no time to complain or victimise myself...
Instead I realized that with the right mindset, I could actually do whatever I want during the second half of my life. With or without money. So without knowing where to start I decided to spend the rest of my life focusing on good causes and projects with global perspectives and ambitions. For the young generations' sake. I myself and my generation had lived for 50-100 years like there was no tomorrow and with "convenience and stuff" as the ultimate goal in life. No longer. My purpose in life was outlined: I wanted to walk the talk, do better and make global sense. The young generations and nature were my contractors to be.

Oxford University defines "Walk The Talk" as follows: "Putting your words into action – showing that you mean what you say by actively doing it yourself. A version of the phrase "practice what you preach".
I said NO to clients, money, and projects that didn't have enough good cause built into them or weren't global enough. I said YES to good global projects and my own dreams. It was refreshing. I jumped off new cliffs with no fear. I felt at home and free at the same time. This is da shit. I am doing it. Je ne regrette rien.
My bucket list is constantly evolving. Now some ten years later it is time to wrap up and set the status, while carry on with ongoing projects and doing my best in making them successful. Then of course, keep dreaming big, manifesting and creating new "Walk The Talk Projects" for the times to come.
There are always new ideas and opportunities in mind and the need for "putting your words into action" is bottomless when it comes to saving the world. Here's what's cooking in my mind these days...
Ultimate Scale down – Live & Work Away (=hardcore nomading)
Dig deeper into ReGenerative Designs for Humanity and Nature
Support Protect Our Winters (POW) with a fabulous idea
Create a template for a zero-waste and toxic-free city lifestyle
I am grateful to have the fortunate opportunity to work with, and learn from, people and projects with sound values and hopeful visions in their DNA – ideas that make global sense first of all and money as a necessary second:
Marathons for Education >>
Walking Marathons to nail the last positions and raise funds for kids' education in challenged areas. First race in Stockholm June 3rd, next in Berlin September 26.
Et Purus Monument in Monaco and Stockholm >>
Fulfilling a gift to honor Professor Arne Ljungqvist, the world's foremost anti-doping crusader. A monument, symbolizing "pure health and clean sports".
The Law For Nature >>
Creating and developing a "positive vibe concept" to support the protection of nature from severe mass damage by making ecocide an international crime under the International Criminal Court.
Happy Hearts >>
Scaling up an ongoing kids-nature-art-kindness project into a global movement with a science based curriculum focusing on learning by playing and a 300-year vision.
Sailing For Science >>
Teaming up with University of Gothenburg and Trondheim with a scientific mission to connect sailors and bring new ocean opportunities to the surface.
I recently found an old image from when I was 11 years old and won a drawing competition in my hometown – "Environment Dream". It's tempting to think that my new-born purpose in life may have been something built into my destiny already back then...
100% Sun Wind Water (2018-2022) >>
Five years and 7.660 nautical miles of climate statement sailing with 45 young crew members from 5 continents. -
Pure For Sure (2011-2019) >>
Initiating and creating an anti-doping academy and movement for young people in schools and in sports clubs. -
The Beach Party Agenda (2015-2018) >>
A short Ted-Talk beach version about the UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 SDGs, celebrating energies from sun, wind and water. -
The War On Doping (2009-2014) >>
A 58 minute documentary featuring Professor Arne Ljungqvist screened in 20 countries and on seminars around the world. -
Non-Violence Project (2010-2020) >>
10 years of developing the educational program, structuring and writing the curriculum for schools and sports clubs.
Jeff Besos, the founder of Amazon said "Everything big starts small." He is right but here's another one, more suitable for my position: "Everything that potentially can be big starts with a great domain..."